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Misconceptions about vitamins

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

There are many misconceptions about vitamins and the effects they have. Contrary to popular belief, vitamins are not miracle drugs. Vitamins are compounds that our body needs for normal growth, development and health. Are needed or because they can not synthesize in the body or can not produce in sufficient quantities that the body needs.

Popularity is a vitamin and counting more since 1905. the year when William Fletcher concluded that these "special factors" (which in 1911. the Polish scientist   Casimir Funk called vitamins) have a major impact on health and disease. Even though countless articles published about them and almost no people who did not consume a vitamin mixture over a period of his life, there is still at least a few misconceptions about vitamins, particularly vitamins in the form of preparations.

Therefore, let's explore some of the myths and truths about vitamins in order to make it a better decision about our health when it comes to vitamins.

Myth no. 1: "The bigger the dose the stronger the effect"

We believe that the mega doze vitamins necessary for our health, but scientists have proven the opposite. Take the example of vitamin A which is found naturally in the form of retinol and beta-carotene. Foods rich in carotenoids that the body converts into vitamin A does not cause any toxicity. On the other hand excessive doses of vitamin A in the form of supplements can be toxic if taken over a long period of time.

Many people are mistaken if they believed that small amounts of vitamins good for us then that a large amount even better. In the case of vitamins better to stick to the rule "less is more." Vitamins A, D, E and K soluble in ​​fat which means it can be stored in our body. Large doses of these vitamins over a prolonged period without the current lack of specific clinical vitamin can result in harmful levels of these vitamins in the body. Some vitamins are soluble in water can also cause adverse effects at high doses. For example. vitamin B6 is associated with nerve damage when taken in large quantities.

For healthy people, the rule, if you take vitamin preparations, doses should be in accordance with the recommended daily values. High dose vitamin preparations should not be taken, unless your doctor advises and if taken under medical supervision.

Myth no. 2: "Vitamin C is different from other vitamins so you probably need more"

Most animals need vitamins and minerals in relatively small quantities - a few micrograms to 50 mg, and vitamin C from the animal perspective does not just ordinary vitamin.
In fact, most animals have the ability to produce vitamin C, and in large quantities. For example, heavy 75 kg animal per day produces 4000 to 13 000 mg of vitamin C. Only rare animals and people have no possibility of synthesis of vitamin C, and scientists believe that 25 million years before the genetic error occurred, and therefore we lost the capacity of synthesis of this powerful antioxidant.

The notion that vitamin C is different from other vitamins that we need it in large quantities, dates back to the sixties. For example, our biological relatives of gorillas bring even 4g per day of vitamin C.

Although over the past few decades laid a lot of hope in the great power of high doses of vitamin C, but not yet proven its effectiveness in preventing and treating disease at high doses.

It is known that vitamin C reduces the symptoms and duration cold and flu, but does not affect its frequency. Vitamin C is associated with scurvy, a correlation was first noticed in the past among the sailors on long journeys where there was no fresh fruit available over time and they began to suffer from swollen and bleeding gums, loss of teeth and increased susceptibility to infection.

Since our body does not create and does not store vitamin C, it is important to bring sufficient quantities of vitamin C diet. It is unlikely that too much vitamin C from eating harmful, but mega doze in the form of vitamin C supplements can cause nausea, diarrhea, kidney stones and gastritis.

Myth no. 3: "Vitamins are a substitute for a balanced diet"

Many people think that vitamins are a substitute for diet and take a multivitamin every day and forget about proper nutrition. This is a mistake. Vitamins can not function without energy that our body gets from complex carbohydrates, fats, proteins. It is therefore surprising important to consume variety of foods that will provide our body with energy and natural vitamins. If there is a lack of specific vitamins, nutritional supplements in the proper form and in combinations can compensate for this deficiency.

Do you eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, or you are a person who skipped salad or fruit, and prefer to take a vitamin mixture? Do you eat in most fast food restaurants, but try for yourself and your health by taking vitamin supplements?

Vitamin and mineral supplements certainly have their place but they are not and can not substitute for a balanced diet. Instead of trying to compensate for vitamin preparations do what we do wrong, we need as much as possible to eat properly. If you are concerned that your diet is bad, contact your doctor and nutritionist and consult with them whether certain vitamin preparations were a good option for you.

Myth no. 4: "Vitamin cure the disease"

Vitamins are not miracle drugs. Some vitamins help with increased fatigue, mental and physical stress, excessive exposure to stress, for better memory, the proper functioning of the digestive system. Recommended for women of childbearing age, smokers, people on restrictive diets, people who are recovering from serious illness or surgery.

Myth no. 5: "The natural vitamins are better than synthetic"

Nutrients originating from food are the best choice because they are then "packaged" in their natural complexes that can best absorb and utilize in our body. When we talk about the preparations - whether vitamins are synthesized in the laboratory or in animals or plants, your body uses them in the same way. Unlike feels only your wallet.

Myth no. 6: "The vitamin B complex to gain weight"

B vitamins play an important role in metabolism, or gaining energy from food. It is therefore often considered as an "appetite enhancers." The fact is that the person who had a vitamin B complex may result in stimulating appetite, however, do we have control over the amount of food you bring into the body, we will not gain weight just because of the vitamin B complex.

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